Thursday, November 5, 2009

Eye Jism

true to my word... here's another installment of BRILLIANCE!!!!! woohoo... this just raises the bar completely and drives me to find better and better images to excite my retinas! Now that i am onto some of the best image sharing sites that could possible exist I don't think I'm going to have a problem maintaining the level of quality! though you are invited to pull me up, whack me around the ears and tell me should I per chance disappoint you!!!

The sick installation using Flouro lights is by Yochai Matos which I tripped over on colectiva and thought was just bloody tops! I would love to have a light feature like that in my house!!! not that I would turn it on much considering how much power the bloddy thing would use...and I do hope he is using those new flouro bulbs that don't use as much power as the old ones... fuck I really have turned into a tree hugging hippy!

Moving right along... next to that little ditty is a shot by Cariann Wayman which i found on yayeveryday which is similar to dropular and simply a goldmine of visual delight and intrigue!

Then some pearlers from ffffound and Dropular... I love the bunny and the chick... very sexy!
but the last image is called Earthrise and I am completely in love with it... the sacred geometry, colours light and the earth as the focal point combined with a washed out gritty and grainy feel to it simply makes my eyes jism... how good is it!!!

well... time to clock off for the day and get the flock outta here!

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