Thursday, January 28, 2010

Maya and the water hole

It's been over a month since my last post before the epic road trip I went on over Christmas... I thought it about time I that I start to post some of the pic's I've taken and a few great sgots by others!
I'll post about the holiday later on but here is a few pics that my friend Corie took of my lil fluffball over the Australia Day weekend while we were hanging out in the loving energy of Booby Mountain!!!
It's been a wonderfully hot summer since I got back and Maya has been cooling off in the water hole at the bottom of the mountain during those hot days and having a hell of a lot of fun!!!
These shots by Corie are absofuckinglutely amazing in my opinion and I think I might have to get some of them framed!!! It may have something to do with the fact that I am completely in love with the subject matter and a lil biased as well!!!

Photo's of Maya by Corie
The shots below are a few that I managed to get with Corie's awesome camera! I love sun shots and capturing flares and colours from the almighty burning ball of gas that lights my way each day! I'm pretty stoked with these shots!

Photo's by Ducky!!


  1. she looks so much like spacey it isnt funny... awww pretty little lady.... cant wait to see you guys again... only a little over a month and a halfish... xxxx BTW your blog is looking beautiful.

  2. i can't wait either sista!!! xxx
    yay yay yay yay yay!!!!
