Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
Divinity and Grace
This is how I find compassion
I stand between a tree and the sun
I remain until I can find the luminescence in aspen bark.
I continue because I seek the core of truth in every being.
This is how I find grace:
I surrender to water.
I surrender to the rock.
I obseve sensations on the surface of my skin.
This is how I practice gratitude:
I peel a tangerine.
I give away all it's quarter moon sections,
Allowing the fruit of service to introduce me to strangers.
With open palms,
I walk into the fire of life.
The soul needs no shelter from the sun.
I remember that everything is a part of me.
In my world
I seek the divinity of all things.
Finding an eagle feather on the corner of mystery,
I pick it up, holding it between my body and the sun.
Celeste Labadie 2003

Image | Vogue Nippon June 2010 Frida Gustavsen
Nirimi Strikes again!
This young lady continues to astound my senses... I lovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelove everything she does!
Source | Flikr and
Source | Flikr and
Image credit | Sam Thomas - amazing artist
Ok so i have completely abandoned my blog for the last 6mths!
i guess its been for a few reasons... one is I have had very little time between a busy work schedule, a puppy who commands and absorbs most of my free time (willingly and lovingly mind you!) and the fact that I have been in a bit of a slump of late...
Though its all changing right before my eyes... well that last part at least!
The slump I've found myself emerging from meant that I found little that inspired me enough to blog about, and when I did, I just didn't seem able to find time! That's not to say there was nothing rad and wonderful being produced out there by peeps, I just wasn't looking for it!
Going from a place where I just didn't want to do anything or be anything, to a new perspective of looking forward with a fresh burst of energy, a renewed vigour for life and a good cleanse of my temple has been a breathe of fresh air!
Its amazing to me how deeply I can bury myself in insubstantial, unmeaningful and unhealthy habits that completely remove me from the playing field of my life... I got sick of watching an empty pitch, and finally realised there was no one holding me in the grandstands... so I got up off my ass and headed out to play again!
I have a lot to do to fully get myself back on track, so while I'm not promising to blog everyday, I am going to make an effort to adding something to this 'ere lil ol' visual diary more often!
So here a a few of the images I had buried deep in the bowels of my hard drive just waiting for a day that I had some time to share...

The above images were found somewhere on the web... not sure where but if these images are yours, please comment me and I will add the credit and link for you asap!
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