Saturday, January 30, 2010

Sooooo Cute!!!

What I would give to have a home like this!!!
Sooooooo cute!!!
This guy is an absolute genius... he built this home for his family in England... true hobbit style!
If it were mine, I'd have a shitload of fairy lights and hanging plants and wind chimes and pretty stuff!!! I think I would never leave home and always be pottering around the house!!!

read more about the family and how they built it here
Source | A Cup of Jo

Friday, January 29, 2010

Hidden Talents

Emilie is an English Teacher... I think she should be a full time artist!
check her huge Flikr stream here you will not be disappointed I promise!
her love for polaroid was rediscovered only a few years ago... for most of us polaroids are entwined with memories from our childhood, like Emilie, however she became drawn to explore the wonders of instant film again. Thank god she did or we may never have seen images like the ones below!!!

It was though Emilie's stream that I stumbled across the emulsion lift technique...
this completely intrigues and excites me to the point that I want to reshuffle some budget priorities and buy me a polaroid cam just to try this...

The above emulsion lifts are by Abbey Wuthrich and Graham Tait respectively...
oooo its just makes me wanna get my hands on som 669 film a cam and start making things!!!

Nirrimi Hakanson

This young lady is not only cute as a button but also an incredibly talented photographer!
I love her work and completely got lost down the rabbit hole while enjoying her Flikr stream when I should have been working today!!!
Based in Melbourne (a place I'd REALLY like to be about now!!) she's a freelance fashion photographer who isn't even able to get into a club or pub as she's only 17yrs old...GENIUS!
The first 2 pics below would have to be my favs... such great light and colour and I love how she's captured the mid air frame so clearly and those cream and pink tones throughout look amazing!
Her portfolio website can be seen here but I must say her Flikr is much more comprehensive!

Source | Flikr

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Maya and the water hole

It's been over a month since my last post before the epic road trip I went on over Christmas... I thought it about time I that I start to post some of the pic's I've taken and a few great sgots by others!
I'll post about the holiday later on but here is a few pics that my friend Corie took of my lil fluffball over the Australia Day weekend while we were hanging out in the loving energy of Booby Mountain!!!
It's been a wonderfully hot summer since I got back and Maya has been cooling off in the water hole at the bottom of the mountain during those hot days and having a hell of a lot of fun!!!
These shots by Corie are absofuckinglutely amazing in my opinion and I think I might have to get some of them framed!!! It may have something to do with the fact that I am completely in love with the subject matter and a lil biased as well!!!

Photo's of Maya by Corie
The shots below are a few that I managed to get with Corie's awesome camera! I love sun shots and capturing flares and colours from the almighty burning ball of gas that lights my way each day! I'm pretty stoked with these shots!

Photo's by Ducky!!