Sacred geometry in all its glory laid out on, and in my opinion, by, our amazing Mother Earth! There are many theories, speculation and hypothesis about how and why and by whom these formations are created. My own theory is that these patterns are formed from vibrations emanating from within the Earth itself rather than from an alien spacecraft or vibrations travelling through space... I often think that these beautiful and inspiring formations are kind of like the Mother in self medication mode, healing her own imbalances and at the same time sending a message to her children of healing and balancing. Sacred Geometric patterns and images definitely have an impact on the viewers own vibration or resonance, if the viewer is open to receiving the energy. I don't know one person that is not affected in some way when they look at a crop circle... an opinion always emerges, a reaction or response of some sort.
The Language of One I found this site about 2yrs ago and I love it, it basically has a definition for each crop circle channelled by 'Mila' an ascended master. It has about 80 crop circles listed and they are all fabulous!!!
I keep checking back in the hope of new definitions being posted and this is from the last update about the second and third pics.... the butterfly is so recent so there has not been a definition posted as yet...
As the music of joy plays within the field of an individual or group, joyful dreams of fulfillment are called into the dance of life. A state of joy expands the field into a state of ecstatic divine union. Often when initiates take initiations, the field expands into an ecstatic state of divine union where the music of joy can be heard loud and clear playing within one's field. As beloveds play this music the love making can cause the experience of an ecstatic state of divine union between the two. As a group plays the music of joy, the dance of life between the many draws dreams of group fulfillment and happiness into the life experience. Attuning unto and learning the music of joy will bring up those patterns of non-joy and non-fulfillment to be cleared in the ascension; and allow one to expand into the fulfillment of one's heart's desires and dreams ahead.
3rd June 09 Little London UK | Music of Communion
The music of communion calls the body soul and earth to dance together in an ongoing state of blessings shared within. As communion occurs, the body is blessed by soul and earth. As the blessings flow, they can ignite within the heart and expand through the 1000 petal lotus of the Bodhisattva allowing the blessings to be shared with nature or others in the dance of life. As the blessings flow between the two or the many, love is fostered into the dreams of the individual and the whole. Attuning unto and learning the music of communion will help to bring up all the patterns that prevent communion to be cleared in one's ascension ahead; and will help one to learn to allow the blessings to flow between body soul and earth and outward to all others and all other kingdoms in the dance of life.
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