i love these images, they make my eyes go into overdrive... perceiving the subject or the colour, the lines or depth, shadow and light, as much as seeing the energy of simple beauty that oozes from the combination. This is the work of
Logan Jackson.

This shot takes me to a time in my mind when I was little and remember sitting on the edge of a shaft of light streaming into our exquisitely clean lounge room, seeing the dust particles floating through the air and trying to catch them... the movement of my fingers always pushed them just our of my grasp... just like when your trying to get a floaty outta ya drink with ur finger and you cant get it so you end up with a thumb and a forefinger squashed into ur mug chasing it around the surface of the liquid. I would try and blow the dust away but it kept coming and coming... it was infinite. The air seemed to turn into a sea of pure light, and such a small space had such depth and grandeur in its simplicity...

This shot just confused the fuck outta me! It seems so wrong and impossible and intrigues me causes it messes up with all perspective of the space outside of the camera's frame. Is he on the wall or the floor???

This shot astounds me, i feel like my heart is about to explode through my ribs and splat on the puter screen... awww its like looking at the earth cuddle mankind!!!!
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