Okay so music is my life... anyone who knows me knows that I luuuurrrve all sorts of music, and those who know me well know I kinda get addicted to my flavour of the month and then listen to them to the death, playing songs or albums of that particular artist over and over, permanently on repeat.
Now this has been a habit of mine from when I was about 15 and first discovered the amazing talents of amazing female muso's such as PJ Harvey and Bjork.
These days with the wonders of the internet, after I buy an album and am inspired by an artist, I then search every file sharing site or download program I can find in order to find every song from that artist possible, the live recordings, covers, EP's, b-sides and every image that has been posted on the net til I can find no more, bleeding cyber space dry! Even to the extent that if I can't decipher the words, I look for the lyrics online as well! I try and justify my theivery with the fact that these tracks are not available to buy on CD coz the artist didn't include them on the album... or they may be early works that are out of circulation. I know its thin but how else am I gunna satisfy my urge to gather every possible track I can?
Currently my flavour of the month is none other than the amazing Florence + the Machine. This young lady inspires me to no end. Her haunting melodies and insightful, beautiful and poetic lyrics tickle my senses and touch my soul.
"The stars, the moon, they have all been blown out, you left me in the dark. No dawn, no day, I'm always in this twilight, in the shadow of your heart..." | Cosmic Love | from the album Lungs.
And so I create a playlist on my itunes, load the songs onto my phone and hit repeat, til I know every note, every word and can sing them in the shower, car or while I'm wondering around in the forest, til I can hear the whole song in my head every strum of a guitar, each piano chord struck, pluck of a harp, beat of drum and so on...
From the moment I heard Florence on the radio I knew I had to get the album... problem was that I never got to hear the back announcement of who the artist was. Then when I was visiting a very special angel and great friend Mish Mash in Melbourne and she was searching for a CD from a band that I hadn't heard of called Florence + the Machine, she raved about it but she couldn't find it on CD though did find it on LP and came home one night after work with it, so excited to play me this new artist's amazing 4 song EP. We figured out how to get Kooka's LP player working and she started to play Dog Days, only to realise that I knew the song... disappointed that she hadn't been the first to introduced me to this amazing woman, she dropped her lip a little and had a small and very cute tanty!!!
Though I do owe her much thanks for leading me to the name of the artist that had haunted but eluded me from the first time heard her voice on the radio... so thank you Mish Squish, I love you...

" my boy builds coffins and I think it's a shame that when each one's been made he can't see it again, he crafts each one with love and with care, then its thrown in the ground it just isn't fair..." | My boy builds coffins | Lungs

"As I move my feet towards your body, I can hear this beat, it fills my head and then gets louder, louder... come to the river and dive straight in, I pray that the water will drown out the din..." | Drumming | Lungs

"there's a ghost in my lungs and sighs in my sleep, wraps itself around my tongue while it soflty speaks, then it walk then it walks with my legs, to fall to fall to fall at your feet..." | I'm not Calling you a Liar | Lungs